Why do we fall ill?? How to overcome them??
Sharing the below chapter that answers these questions.
Extract from "Touched By Fire" An Autobiography of blessed Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Direct Disciple Of Sri Swami Ram Of The Himalayas.
Then one day I received news that my mother,still living in the village,had been having terrible headaches for more than a month and had recently lost her eyesight. I made plans to go home and bring her to the city for treatment. Before I left, I went to Swami Sadananda and begged him to give me some medicines for her.
"Medicine can help", he replied, but it will take too long for her to get cured."
"Then swamiji, what can we do to help her to get rid of her headaches & regain her eyesight?"
"Physical medicines are only one way of curing a disease ,"he replied,"and in fact , such medicines are too weak to change the course of our KARMA , which is actually the root cause of any disease.Forget about such weak medicine.It will be better if you do the recitation of a special set of prayers dedicated to the Sun.
[Here as the chapter unfolds Panditji was given a special prayer known as ADITYA HRIDAYAM.[These set of prayers were given by Agastya Rishi to Lord Ram before His final combat with Ravan in Valmiki Ramayan.]
After he recited daily for his mother, for twelve days with faith, his mother was completely healed.
Deeply grateful and curious about the relationship between prayer and my mother's recovery,I went to see Swami Sadananda & asked him,"Swamiji how can prayer help not only the practitioner, but also someone at a distance ?"
"Intense austerity ,intense meditation,recitation of mantra,grace of GOD,selfless service, and living in the company of saints ,create a powerful, positive karma in a short period of time. The energy created by spiritually vibrant actions can neutralize the effect of previous negative karmas. If karmas cannot be changed or modified,then why should anyone bother to do anything good in life?"
I asked "Is it that karmas created by these kinds of practices neutralise our negative karmas, or is it the grace of the divine that erases our negative karmas?"
Swamiji replied."
In my opinion, repetition of mantra, charity, company of good souls, prayer, & austerity help you eliminate your karmic impurities. Once the inner impurities are gone , you are able to retain the grace of the Divine. GRACE is the true source of the healing force , but the purification is what enables you to become a conduit through which grace can flow.
Swami Sadanand had also explained panditji on the importance of serving nature, which also enables in healing all kind of physical or mental ailments.
He said, [On serving foodgrains to birds] Birds are a part of nature ,their relationship with humans is not contaminated with selfishness & expectations . They are happy when you serve them, but they do not mind, if you don't.They operate on instinct alone -- they make no personal choices and have no agendas.Serving them is serving nature. Nature is the repository of all our karmas, the impressions of our past deeds.
"In our unconscious mind , " he continued ,"we have the seeds of disease as well as its cure. This unconscious mind always works in conformity with nature . By nature ,I don't mean only plants , rivers , and the rest of the natural environment. What we call nature,infact,encompasses an entire primordial energy field that is the source of , and, locus for this material world . Everything & everyone evolves from this primordial energy field, including our natural world."
"By sacrificing your comforts , and giving away that which you beleive to be yours , you pay off your karmic debts in the subtle realm. And it is these karmic debts that are the cause of our present misery . Although we dont have access to our own unconscious mind, we can still pay off our karmic debts by serving nature, of which we are a part."
With deep reverence & love at the lotus feet of the Sages / Lord Krishna.
Love,Light & Peace,